Monday 21 April 2014

300 (2006)

300, 2006. Film. Directed by Zack SNYDER. USA: Warner Bros.
After months of being begged to watch this film, this week I finally gave in. It was worth the wait.

Most basically, 300 tells the story of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. Over the years many of the specifics have been clouded in legend however the facts remain unquestioned. An alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. A group of 300 Spartan soldiers under the command of King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) stood up against a vastly superior Persian force led by King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro). Xerxes waited days for Leonidas to surrender or withdraw was left with no option but to move forward. It is well known that the Spartans were greatly outnumbered and therefore did not win the battle. It is one of the most famous last stands in history. 300, is an American action/fantasy film based on the comic series of the same name by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. The film stays true to the graphic novel, consistently emphasizing the mythology of the battle rather than attempting to be completely historically accurate.

300 is a film about heroism and standing strong in the face of impossible odds. It perpetuates an ideology of masculinity and machismo. The movie ignores aspects such as characterization only ever allowing the audience to know a few characters as types. There is a great warrior/King, a strong independent wife, a traitor and an enemy. I am a big fan of character development however in this situation I could let it pass. There just isn't the time or a reason to let us get to know the protagonists, we just want to know the story. Besides, the story is most simply about a group of 300 warriors and that's exactly what we are given. Knowing how the story ends for the Spartans doesn't lessen the excitement of getting there.

Director Snyder uses desaturated colours and a combination of blue and green screen backgrounds to craft the film's artistic appearance that is so similar to that of the graphic novel. Aside from the story, this is my favourite thing about the film. It makes this basic story look so beautiful and really emphasizes the fantasy elements of the legend.The acting is also brilliant. Butler's performance is full of passion, strength and power and Lena Headey plays Leonidas' queen as a woman of equal strength and emotion.

Overall, the powerful characters, beautiful visuals, energetic action sequences and the strong reflection of comic books makes 300 something very enjoyable. While it doesn't offer an in-depth, conventional retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, it does make a worthwhile viewing for everybody.

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