Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Spectacular Now (2013)

The Spectacular Now, 2013. Film. Directed by James PONSOLDT.
USA: A24
The Spectacular Now is an American coming of age movie directed by James Ponsoldt and based on the book of the same name by Tom Tharp. I haven’t read the book myself however, when I saw the film was from the writers of (500) Days of Summer I just had to give it a watch.

This movie is about two 18 year olds, Sutter (Miles Teller) and Aimee (Shailene Woodley), who are in their senior year at high school. This could easily be your average teen movie packed with clichés and characters crippled by irony but surprisingly it isn’t. Being a 19 year old I have watched a LOT of coming of age movies and for me this was a rare one. Sure it involves parties, prom, sex and alcohol but all of these themes are handled respectfully and never insults the characters by treating them cheaply.  Both characters appear very real. They are both very clever but both make silly mistakes. They both appear confident on the outside but both are concealing weaknesses on the inside.

Sutter, the boy, likes to live in the moment. He likes to have a laugh, go to parties, drink and generally have a good time. He works hard but he is very naïve when it comes to thinking about his future. Aimee is a dreamer. She is a sweet, selfless and hard working girl working towards getting into college and looking forward to a successful and happy future. When Sutter wakes up one morning, sprawled across an unknown front lawn, he meets Aimee who recognises him from school. From this moment on, the film continues in a naturalistic tone, following the two characters as they get to know each other, hanging out and just truly enjoying each other’s company. The film then develops further when the two characters reach an intent state when they want to help each other with their weaknesses. Sutter wants Aimee to stand up to her mom; Aimee wants Sutter to find out more about his dad. This is what the movie is building up to. It’s nothing really exciting however it is where we really get to understand the lives of the protagonists.

The Spectacular Now is refreshing film. It has such a strong sense of realism you just don’t see in many teen movies. Whilst the novel is set in Oklahoma, the director chose to shoot the film in his hometown of Athens, Georgia to create a college town, suburban atmosphere for the movie. I believe this has really contributed to the personal feel that makes the film so different from other coming of age movies. The film also respects the characters in such a way that makes you care about them and understand them both together as a couple and as individuals. Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley are perfect. They both look, speak and feel like real high school seniors. Teller’s Sutter expresses confidence in such a down to earth, loveable way you can’t help but smile and Woodley’s Aimee is truly beautiful inside and out but in a very real sort of way. She is full of concern for others, love and warm smiles. By the end of the film you feel like you know them. You’ve made it through high school with them and you truly care about what happens next.

Recommend to: Fans of the cast

                           Anyone looking for a heart-warming film with a very real feel to it

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