Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bad Neighbours (2014)

Bad Neighbours, 2014. Directed by Nicholas STOLLER.
 USA: Universal Pictures.

Bad Neighbours (or Neighbors) is a hilarious comedy that tells the story of a couple with a new born baby who have to face new challenges when a fraternity moves in next door. Whilst the trailer made me chuckle, I went into the cinema expecting just another comedy but I was pleasantly surprised.

Adorable couple Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) are living in their lovely suburban home with their new baby daughter Stella. They’re constantly trying to adjust to life with a baby; they can’t go out with their friends, they fall asleep constantly and they very rarely have uninterrupted sex (this is shown in a very comical sequence in which they constantly have to pause to turn Stella to face the wall). However life gets more challenging when the house next door goes up for a sale and a fraternity, led by Zac Efron and Dave Franco, moves in. In an attempt to avoid chaos and persuade their new neighbours to keep the noise down, the couple try to bond with them. However when the couple betrays the fraternity by calling the police, a war is declared and all hell breaks loose leading us into the main storyline as the frat and the couple fight back in turn.

The film is simple and a lot of fun. Whilst the narrative isn’t at all complex the characters are loveable and never fail to gain your support. Right to the very end, no matter how much I wanted the couple to win the battle, I still found myself loving the fraternity and attempts to seek revenge. The main cast are brilliant and supported by an extremely talented supporting cast including Lisa Kudrow, Sumbarine’s Craig Roberts and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. Whilst I’ve always found Rogen a talented performer, I was amazed to see Byrne prove herself to be just as capable and a fearless comedic actress throughout the movie.
As a whole, Bad Neighbours is a playful film, packed with jokes, well filmed party sequences and a well-chosen cast of comedic performers. Whilst it is not as perfect as 2011’s Bridemaids, it is silly, adventurous and never failed to make me laugh.